League practice and policy (Updated on 23/2/24)

In addition to Law of Sport of Bowls and LBA bye-law, League panel follows a series of practice and policies to manage the league competitions. These practice and policies are summarized below for bowlers easy reference. Ref Subject Details 1 Entry fee Premier League (3 teams) – 4000 per side Triples league (3 teams) –...

KTSI Premier League 2023 Men

The fixture is FINAL and can be downloaded from the website >> Fixture / Results >> Download pdf format.   Panel rulings: Deduct 1 point from TPLBC-A for a late verify in M08025. Deduct 1 point from SBSC-A for a late verify in M07042. Deduct 1 point from TMSA-E for a late verify in M09082....

Panels List

Panels Name Lists 2023/2024 Panels Name Lists 2023/2024   National League Panel List 2023/24 as at 29/11/2023 No. Club Name Position 1 / Cyril LEUNG Chairman, Officer 2 / Sanie NG Officer 3 ABC Ricky LEUNG Co-opt 4 CCC Andrea CHAN Co-opt 5 CCC Dominic KWONG Co-opt 6 CLBC Connie WONG Co-opt 7 ELBC LAM...