Below are the photo links of Hong Kong International Bowls Classic 2023.
Bowling Tea arrangement in Triples League 2023 (Issued on 23/11/23)
The Triples League 2023 will start in Dec 2023. The League panel recommended keeping the status quo on the F&B arrangement. That is only drinks will be served by the home side.
Hong Kong Football Club International Bowls Open 2024
To host an International event in promoting the sports of lawn bowls in Hong Kong; and to foster the relationship with the member clubs of Lawn Bowls Association of Hong Kong, and friendly clubs throughout China, Asia etc. Local Invitation Condition of Play (Unisex Triples) Condition of Play (Unisex Fours) Unisex Triples Groupings Unisex...
LCSD to launch new intelligent sports and recreation services booking and information system on November 9
The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) announced today (October 17) that the new intelligent sports and recreation services booking and information system, SmartPLAY, will be officially launched at 7am on November 9 to replace the current Leisure Link Computerised Booking System which will stop operation from November 6 onward. At present, over 200...
Semi-finals and Finals of Angela Chau Memorial Mixed Triples Competition 2023 (Updated on 18/10/23)
Semi-finals and Finals of Angela Chau Memorial Mixed Triples Competition 2023 held on Monday, 23rd October 2023 at the Club de Recreio. (Schedule)