Many games need to be rescheduled due to typhoon Saola or green conditions. Considering the green availability situations, the League Panel recommended relaxing the constraint of playing the games within 22 days. All rescheduled games can be rescheduled over 22 days and must be completed one week before the fixture date of the final matches....
Using of 2 Rinks for a Match (Issued on 23/8/23)
Recently we have received enquiry about changing the rink in the middle of a match and here is our response to it. Please note that due to green shortage, competitors should be considerate and make every effort to compromise to complete the game.
Recruitment of Sport Organiser Helper(Issued On 21/8/2023)
The Hong Kong Lawn Bowls Association is looking for an energetic candidate to help us to organise, manage and promote the sport in Hong Kong. (pdf. format)
Recruitment of Administrative Assistant
The Hong Kong Lawn Bowls Association is looking for an energetic candidate to help us to organise, manage and promote the sport in Hong Kong. (pdf. format)
Recruitment of Account Assiatant (Updated on 23/8/23)
The Hong Kong Lawn Bowls Association is looking for an energetic candidate to help us to organise, manage and promote the sport in Hong Kong. (pdf. format)