Promotion or relegation with more than two sides (18/01/12)
For the normal ranking of sides into divisions, upon the receipt of entries, the bye-laws state that the two highest ranked sides will be promoted to the next higher division and the two lowest ranked sides will be relegated to the next lower division.
Photo Link – Men National Singles Round 2 (Issued on 06/09/12)
Mr. Mike Worth would like to share the photo of Men National Singles 2012 – Round 2 to all of you. Photo Link
Knock-out Singles 2012 (Issued on 10/1/13)
The link below are taken in National Knock-out Singles 2012. Men’s Knock-out Singles Women’s Knock-out Singles
Notice of Annual General Meeting (Issued on 05/09/12)
NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Hong Kong Lawn Bowls Association will be held at the Kowloon Cricket Club, 10 Cox’s Road, Kowloon on Monday 17 September 2012 at 7:00 pm. AGENDA Confirm the Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting (enclosed) Consider the Annual...