Premier League 2020 postponement (Issued on 6/5/20)
Further to my email of 17 Apr that the opening of league game will highly depend on when LCSD re-opens and accepts block booking for league games. As of today, LCSD has no indication when it will accept the block booking for league games. The premier league will continue to postpone until further notice.
[Photo]2023 Youth Sports Exchange Program-Queensland, Australia
With the funding from LCSD, a Hong Kong Lawn Bowls Youth Overseas Exchange Programme for YDT members was organised by LBA from 30 June to 8 July 2023 in Queensland. Photo Link
[Photo]2020 Youth Sports Exchange Program-West Australia
With the funding from LCSD, a Hong Kong Lawn Bowls Youth Overseas Exchange Programme for HKYDT members was organised by HKLBA from 22 January 2020- 31 January 2020 in Perth. Photo Link :