「飛越啟德」三代同堂草地滾球比賽2020 取消公告
「飛越啟德」三代同堂草地滾球比賽2020 取消公告 因應最新疫情狀況及比賽場地尚未全部重新開放,為了減低病毒因社交接觸及人流聚集而傳播的風險及顧及各參加者的安全,香港草地滾球總會決定取消「飛越啟德」三代同堂草地滾球比賽2020。
青苗草地滾球培訓計劃 2020-2021 正式接受報名!!
青苗草地滾球培訓計劃 2020-2021 正式接受報名!!
Cancellation of Triples League 2019 (Issued on 20/2/20)
Consequent to LCSD announcement that public venues would be closed up to 2 March, we can only resume the Triples League at the earliest on 7 March, 2020. It is therefore impossible for us to catch up with the schedule.