The link below is the photo link of KTS Initiative Premier League 2019 Games at CCC and HKFC Sat 19th October. . Photo link
2019 World Singles Champion of Champions -Team Departure
2018年度香港男、女子單打錦標賽冠軍張智興(Tony)及張美卿(Helen),今日(25/10)凌晨出發到澳洲阿德萊德,代表香港出席「世界冠中冠單人錦標賽」。Tony為上屆亞軍,希望他今年可以更上層樓;而Helen亦曾多次出戰國際單人賽,經驗豐富,最近一次為今年六月在亞太錦標賽。為期七日的賽事將於星期一(28/10)展開,期望兩位球手一切順利,傳來好消息。 選手名單及分組賽果:
No of bowls tried in Trial End
HKLBA got a message from other bowlers recently that we can try more than 2 woods if the numbers of woods being used in game is more than 2 woods.