Triples League 2019 Open for entry (Issued on 20/9/19)

The Triples League 2019 is now open for entry.


Entry deadline is 21-Oct-2019 (Monday).




The Triples League 2019 is now open for entry.


The League will start on 14 Dec. 2019 for men and women tentatively. Exact date will depend on the number of entries and grouping of divisions.


In the attached Entry Form, please:


1) For any withdrawal, cross out your lowest ranked side.


2) For addition of a new side, put the side (e.g. A, B, C, etc) under the column of lowest division.


3) Fill in the total number of sides (current, plus addition, minus withdrawal) under “Total No of Sides entered” column.)


4) Enter the home green under the “Home Green Venue” column.


5) Fill in the “Prefer day for rescheduled games” column with one single preference period. For nil input, we will assume you have no preference.


6) Fill in the “Auto Allocation for Rescheduled Games” column. For nil input, we will assume you choose Yes. If yes, we will auto allocate games on Saturdays and Sundays according to green availability.


7) If you have any special requests, such as unavailability of green or special commitments, please put them down in the Remarks field. We will NOT handle any preference request for individual side (e.g Men A & B playing alternate week).


Please complete your Entry Forms and advise us by return email on or before close of business 21 October 2019 (Monday).


If we do not get a response from you, we will assume your club will have nil entry in Triples League 2019.


Best Regards


Cyril Leung

VP National League