Recruitment of Part-time National Coach and Part-time Coach Assistants (Issued on 02/08/13)

Recruitment of Part-time National Coach and Part-time Coach Assistants (Issued on 02/08/13)

Following our selection as a Tier B Elite Sport by the Hong Kong Sports Institute, plans have been implemented to strengthen the Hong Kong Team.  One of the initiatives will be the recruitment of a National Coach and a number of Coaching Assistants to help improve the performance of the Team.

Applications are now invited for these posts and your support would be appreciated.  The post is a crucial element in our development plan and requires a high level of dedication and commitment from those who apply for it.

Anyone interested please fill in the form and submit to the HKLBA office either by email ( or by fax (2577 5621) on or before 15 August 2013 .


Recruitment (Doc. format) (Pdf. format)

Application Form (Doc. format) (Pdf. format)