Conflict between League and National game fixture (approved on 23/9/13)

The Council of Management approved the bye-law on 23 Sep 2013 with immediate effective. The change clarified that all pre-announced semi-finals and finals will not be rescheduled even it is in conflict with league games. If both sides choose to play league on that day, players have to make the choice.



1.30 Conflict between National League and National Championship Fixtures.



In the event of players being required to play in two or more matches arranged by the Association which have fixtures of the same date and approximate starting time, precedence shall be given to the National League match and the other matches shall be rearranged accordingly except in the situation where the match of the Semi-finals or Finals of National Championships and all games of the International Bowls Classic, has been fixed and announced by the Association in advance of the date of the requirement to rearrange a postponed League match. In this exceptional situation, the affected players must decide in which match they shall play and advise the Association accordingly.