Elite Vote Support for 2013-2017 Funding Cycle (Issued on 06/05/13)

Elite Vote Support for 2013-2017 Funding Cycle (Issued on 06/05/13)

I am pleased to advise Councilors that the Sports Commission has announced that lawn bowls will receive a higher level of support from the Hong Kong Sports Institutes recently, thanks to our bowlers’ international achievements in the past two years.

In the four years from 2013 to 2017, we will receive “Tier B” support from HKSI, in terms of regular access to training, facilities and sports science and medicine support at the institute. Meanwhile, Officers will work out the funding and the types of support we would like the Hong Kong Squad and U25 Squad to receive from the Institute in detail.

Our status will be reviewed in two years’ time. I wish all Councilors and Member Clubs would continue to extend their support to HKLBA and our bowlers for even better international results and further progress of lawn bowls in Hong Kong in the upcoming years.

Heron Lau
