Clarification on drawing of rinks (Issued on 17/9/21)


We received a request for clarification on the drawing procedures of a league match. The procedures were clearly set out in bye-law 2.5.a Drawing of rinks, which include four steps:


(i) Prior to the draw, both Home and away side captains shall enter the names of their players on their scorecards in the appropriate positions. They shall shuffle and exchange their scorecards without looking at the inside page of the cards.

(ii) Away side captain shall lay down the (home-side) scorecards with data facing downwards on a table, then mark the number of rinks to play on each card.

(iii) Home side captain shall lay down and pair-off the (away-side) scorecards on top of those marked scorecards.

(iv) Both captains shall then turn over the scorecards to reveal the drawn opponents and their rink numbers. The respective side captains shall copy the names of their players onto the opponents’ cards.


This procedure has been used since February 2010. Please pay attention to Step ii Away side mark the rink number on the Home side cards.  It has to be done before the Home side paired off the Away side’s scorecards.


Would all convenors please educate your team captains and ask them to become familiar with the above procedures.


If there is a dispute on the field, please ask the captains to resolve it by referring to the above procedures or seek advice from the convenors or a competent neutral person.


In case any side plans to make complaints, please notify the opponent and collect evidence to support the case, e.g., get a third party person as a witness.