Notice-Election of Officers (Issued on 24/07/15)

Notice-Election of Officers (Issued on 24/07/15)



Applications are invited from affiliated club members who are interested in standing for election to the positions on the HKLBA Executive Committee. The positions are open to persons of both genders and must be submitted with the approval from their club via their Club Convenor.  The positions are:

1.    President

2.    Vice President – Development

3.    Vice President – League

4.    Vice President – National Championships

5.    Vice President – Technical

6.    Vice President – International

7.    Hon. Secretary

8.    Assistant Hon. Secretary

9.    Hon. Treasurer

Voting rights will be in accordance with the HKLBA Articles of Association.

Names are to be submitted with the post[s] applied for to the Hon. Secretary by 8 September, 2015 (12 days prior to the AGM which will be held on 21 September, 2015 at KCC.)

Sandy Sit

Hon. Secretary

24 July 2015

Pdf file