Obituary Notice Mr Jaime Rosario (Issued on 18/3/15)

Obituary Notice Mr Jaime Rosario (Issued on 18/3/15)





A senior Club Member of ours Mr Jaime Rosario who is well known as Sa Goh among friends, working as the senior engineer in WSD of Hong Kong has passed away on last Thursday 12 March morning at HKSAR Office. He has been very active in serving the lawn bowl circle of Hong Kong. He was our B Team Captain for a long time, and he had served as the Umpire in many HKLBA events. Many spectators would have seen his face in the annual International Classics serving as the Umpire before his retirement a few years ago.





Connie Wong




Convenor of CLBC


標題 (排序:相關程度) 日期 資料庫 媒體 版面/欄名/作者 字數

1. 水務署工程師政總猝死 2015-03-13 蘋果日報 A13,港聞 381

2. 水務署工程師 政總辦公室猝死 2015-03-13 香港經濟日報 A28,港聞 417

3. 水務署工程師 政總辦公猝死 2015-03-13 明報 A10,港聞 256

4. 水署工程師開會猝死 2015-03-13 太陽報 A18,港聞 273

5. 水署工程師政總開會猝死 2015-03-13 東方日報 A26,港聞 216

6. 水署工程師猝死政總 2015-03-13 星島日報 A30,港聞 520

7. 水署工程師開會前猝死 2015-03-13 文匯報 A16,香港新聞 231

8. 政總開會 疑心臟病發 水署工程師突猝死 2015-03-13 頭條日報 P20,港聞 365

9. 水務署工程師政總猝死 2015-03-13 晴報 P14,新聞 135

10. 57歲水務署職員 政總開會突猝死 2015-03-13 都市日報 P16,新聞,不幸 90








At the request of the CLBC, the HKLBA would like all bowlers to observe a moment of silence in memory of Mr Jaime Rosario, a senior member of CLBC, before the start of the first match of CLBC in the Aitkenhead Fours Lawn Bowls Competition on 12:40pm, Saturday, 28th March, 2015




Thank you for your attention.