USRC LBS Charity Day 2017 – Thank You Note (Issued on 9/11/17)

USRC LBS Charity Day 2017 – Thank You Note (Issued on 9/11/17)

On behalf of USRC Lawn Bowls Section, we would like to thank everyone who participated in our annual charity event on 5th November 2017.

This year’s programme featured Charity Sale and Invitation Lawn Bowl Game with CdeR, CCC, FC, HKCC, HKFC, HKLBA, HKPLBC, KBGC and KCC. It was a fun day enjoyed by all and we managed to raise $102,888 for the beneficiary 樂餉社 “Feeding Hong Kong”. A young charity that opened its food bank in Hong Kong in 2011, it collects high quality surplus food from over 165 companies, then redistributes them to a network of 85 charity food distributor programmes in the city, serving about 25,000 people per month.


Our members are moved by the tremendous support we received from our sponsors and fellow clubs for making this event such a success.


Kind regards,

Lawn Bowls Section Sub-committee

United Services Recreation Club